Kings Courtyard
This is a Digital download only, not a physical copy. Requires the Squedge 22.5.
Kings Courtyard, a companion pattern to the book Bending The Line, uses the 22.5 Squedge Tool. Using the same technique found in Bending The Line, Kings Courtyard takes it a little further! The 54" square quilt (like the cover) is our Basic option. Turn it on point and add triangle units to complete it for the Beyond option making a 72" square. Either way, the quilts are amazingly beautiful!
Basic version is 48" without border, 52" with border
Beyond version is 64" without border, 72" with border
Beyond version is 64" without border, 72" with border
Kings Courtyard requires the 22.5 Squedge Tool.
(This is a stand alone pattern although we recommend starting with Bending The Line for beginning quilters.)
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