Court Jester 15 Pattern
This is a Digital download only, not a physical copy. Requires the Squedge 15.
Royal Companion patterns use the Squedge 15 tool.
Simple straight cuts and basic triangles for results that find a classic design with amazing details!
Various Sizes included in this pattern. Main cover is 99"x99"
Royal Companion patterns use the Squedge 15 tool.
Simple straight cuts and basic triangles for results that find a classic design with amazing details!
Various Sizes included in this pattern. Main cover is 99"x99"
Dark Blue Sample is 75"x98"
Bright samples are 75"x75"
Pastel samples are 53"x53"
Be sure to have your Squedge 15 or order yours today!
Bright samples are 75"x75"
Pastel samples are 53"x53"
Be sure to have your Squedge 15 or order yours today!