Jettison -- uses CGRCP1
Jettison - Uses the Creative Grids Ten Degree Wedge
Using the Creative Grid's 10 Degree Wedge and its unique 20 Degree line, we find the most fabric efficient circle quilt we've ever designed! Look at the strip sets in a whole new way: identical strips, sewn the same way, then wedges cut the same way each time. It really is a fun, simplified quilt with a modern flare! The name Jettison comes from that view looking into a jet engine and this quilt has the same amazing feel, with a subtle spin.
The Jettison requires the ten degree wedge which creates wonderful circular quilts. Thirty-six wedge pieces make circles up to 45 inches. Or, use the same wedge to cut extensions to create a circle up to 60 inches. Eighteen wedges make a semi-circle; nine make a quarter circle. 20, 30, 45 and 60 degree angle lines add endless design possibilities.
Circle Framing Templates are available August 17th or so!
Jettison video
Also see our other videos on the Creative Grids 10 degree!
Ombre Video
Square Dance
DOWNLOAD insert page for cutting diagrams!